Christ First UMC | 663 Lakeview Avenue | Jamestown NY 14701

July 2024 - As We Travel On This Journey

As We Travel On This Journey
Luke 10:1 tells us, "After this the Lord   appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go."  This Is an important verse for every Christian to ponder. What makes it a key verse is the fact that Jesus sent them…. "to where he is about to go." Where is he going? Where is Jesus sending us?

If this is what we want to do, it demands a closer look. This is the first verse in chapter 10 and it begins with "After this." That begs the question: After what? In chapter 9, Jesus sent out the first twelve disciples, feeds the five thousand, heals a demon-possessed boy, is transfigured on the mountain, and predicts his death. The disciples had seen a lot and Peter declared that Jesus was the Messiah. At the end of the chapter, Jesus lets them know that all of this is amazing stuff, but it is not easy. Following Jesus is not comfortable and following must be first priority. He ends with, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." Then, "after this", the seventy-two were sent out.

What does this mean for us? It is an important reminder that answering the call of God is amazing and exciting, but it is not easy. It also reminds us that once we determine to go where Jesus is about to go, we cannot look back. Our mission is to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." We are committed to doing this by reaching all people and showing God's love to them, nurturing them in their growth in relationship to God, and helping them to do their part in ministering God's love to the world.

As we travel on this journey, let us     remember to walk together and keep each other in our prayers.
Pastor Jenni

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