Christ First UMC | 663 Lakeview Avenue | Jamestown NY 14701

March 2023 | We Are the Church!

We are the church together!
Since January 1st we have been focused on the words of Jesus about our Treasure, the state of our Heart in relationship to God and our service in his Name. In March we are Diving Deep into Recalibration!  This is an exciting time, but as we know, our church is bigger than the building, the programs, and the history. As the song says “I am the church. You are the church. We are the church together!”
In Corinthians 12, we read that we are all part of the body of Christ and as we know, if one part of our body does not work right, everything seems to malfunction and nothing  gets done. In Paragraph 125 of the UMC Book of Discipline, it says, “All Christians are called through their baptism to this ministry of servant-hood in the world to the glory of God and for human fulfillment.”  This is many words which simply say—because of our baptism, we are ministers to the world, so that God will be glorified and everyone will be fulfilled.

 If we are not working in Christian ministry—which is everything from preaching, serving on committees, plowing snow, singing in the choir, giving of money, to cleaning the bathrooms—God is not being glorified, people are not being nurtured in Christ, and we are not fulfilled in life.  It may seem that something is missing in our church.  It may seem that something is missing in your life. Maybe we are not sure what it is, but this I know. If all baptized Christians are doing the one thing that God has designed them for, the body will function like a well-oiled machine.

 For all the saints who have gone before us — We give thanks to God.  For all the saints who are working tirelessly to be the church today —  We give thanks to God.  For all the saints who are learning and growing or maybe not even born yet — We give thanks to God.

“I am the church, You are the church.  We are the church together!”

  Rev. Jenni Piatt

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