Christ First UMC | 663 Lakeview Avenue | Jamestown NY 14701

October -2022 | Why Should I Go To Church?

I have heard it asked, “Why should I go to church?”  That is a good question and there is a good answer.  There are other reasons as well, but my top four reasons have to do with God, you, your family, and others.

First, God has done great things for us. He has given us life and hope for the future. The Sunday church service is only one  (1) hour. It is not much to give in return for all he has given us.

Second, we all have needs and what better place to have our needs met than with family. The Bible ets us know that the church is the family of God and we are there for one another. You are never alone and the church family is where we can best understand that truth.

Third, if you have a family  with a busy life, Sunday morning may be the only time that you can spend one hour, relaxed and all focused on the same activity.  This s a good time to spend together, regardless of age. Church also gives you something to talk about as the week goes on and it can teach you to pray together.

Lastly, others have needs and you can help them. The Bible also tells us that we all have things we are good at and things we need help with. If we all pitch in and help with the things we are good at, all the work is easier. We can all do our part.

Coming to church is more than an obligation or just something that we do. It is an opportunity to worship God and hear from God. God wants to have a relationship with YOU and wants to meet you in many ways, including church.  Come and also connect with others. Be encouraged. Encourage others. Be part of a viable body.

Come and join us this Sunday and bring someone with you!

  Rev. Jenni Piatt

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