Christ First UMC | 663 Lakeview Avenue | Jamestown NY 14701

September 2023 - Active Involvement

Active Engagement!

This is my soapbox! I heard it said that a church cannot survive “UNLESS EVERY PARTICIPANT IS ACTIVELY ENGAGED WITH EVERY OTHER PARTICIPANT AND UNLESS EVERY PARTICIPANT IS ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN BRINGING NEW PEOPLE IN.” Let me ask you….. Are you a member of the Christ First United Methodist Church? Do you call this church your home? Do you want to be part of an active and vital family who love God and each other? Are you ACTIVELY ENGAGED in the ministry and activities of the church?

The Apostle Paul often wrote letters to the churches to which he was connected and complemented them on their care for one another and their work of ministry. He would tell them that he thanks God every day for them and their work. These are folks who were ACTIVELY ENGAGED and Paul was very pleased.

I was asked recently, “Why should we become ACTIVELY ENGAGED? What’s in it for me?” The answer is that if you are ACTIVELY ENGAGED in the life of the church, then the church is ACTIVELY ENGAGED in your life. If you are       ACTIVELY ENGAGED in the work of   Jesus Christ, then Jesus Christ is         ACTIVELY ENGAGED in your life.

Rev. Jenni Piatt

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