May 9th, 2023
by Connie Pilato
by Connie Pilato
Did you ever wonder why there are so many special days during the week before Easter Sunday? This week is sometimes called Holy Week or Passion Week and follows the activities of Jesus during the last week before his death and resurrection.
Day 1: Palm Sunday is one week before Easter and we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. On this day, we proclaim Jesus as King and Savior.
Day 2: Monday was a busy day for Jesus. He curses the fig tree and clears the temple. These acts represent God’s judgement on those who are spiritually dead and demonstrate that genuine faith is more than just outward religiosity.
Day 3: On Tuesday, Jesus goes to the Mount of Olives. He speaks of the end times, his second coming, and the final judgement. He teaches his disciples about what will come.
Day 4: Jesus and the disciples had a few tough days and tomorrow is Passover. This was probably a day of preparation and also some rest.
Day 5: Holy Thursday, Passover, Last Supper, Maundy Thursday – the day of many names. “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum” meaning “commandment.” Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Passover together. They recalled the escape from Egypt and Jesus made the connection between the Passover lamb and himself. He taught the disciples about true service, instituted the Lord’s Supper (communion), and prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.
Day 6: Good Friday is the day that Jesus was tortured, tried, mocked, and crucified.
Day 7: Saturday was a day of waiting and reflecting. It was a day of uncertainty and fear. The disciples were still not certain about Jesus’ resurrection and had no idea what was going to happen next. Their hope and their friend were both gone.
Day 8: Easter Sunday. Jesus is risen! Jesus had told the disciples that he would die and three days later he would rise from the dead. Easter returns our hope of abundant life now and eternal life after our death.
We may get excited about Palm Sunday and Easter, but each day of Holy Week is unique and it is a wonderful way to experience Jesus and our relationship with him. Let’s be aware of each day and what this all means to us as disciples of Jesus.
Rev. Jenni Piatt
Day 1: Palm Sunday is one week before Easter and we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. On this day, we proclaim Jesus as King and Savior.
Day 2: Monday was a busy day for Jesus. He curses the fig tree and clears the temple. These acts represent God’s judgement on those who are spiritually dead and demonstrate that genuine faith is more than just outward religiosity.
Day 3: On Tuesday, Jesus goes to the Mount of Olives. He speaks of the end times, his second coming, and the final judgement. He teaches his disciples about what will come.
Day 4: Jesus and the disciples had a few tough days and tomorrow is Passover. This was probably a day of preparation and also some rest.
Day 5: Holy Thursday, Passover, Last Supper, Maundy Thursday – the day of many names. “Maundy” comes from the Latin word “mandatum” meaning “commandment.” Jesus and the disciples celebrated the Passover together. They recalled the escape from Egypt and Jesus made the connection between the Passover lamb and himself. He taught the disciples about true service, instituted the Lord’s Supper (communion), and prayed in the garden of Gethsemane.
Day 6: Good Friday is the day that Jesus was tortured, tried, mocked, and crucified.
Day 7: Saturday was a day of waiting and reflecting. It was a day of uncertainty and fear. The disciples were still not certain about Jesus’ resurrection and had no idea what was going to happen next. Their hope and their friend were both gone.
Day 8: Easter Sunday. Jesus is risen! Jesus had told the disciples that he would die and three days later he would rise from the dead. Easter returns our hope of abundant life now and eternal life after our death.
We may get excited about Palm Sunday and Easter, but each day of Holy Week is unique and it is a wonderful way to experience Jesus and our relationship with him. Let’s be aware of each day and what this all means to us as disciples of Jesus.
Rev. Jenni Piatt
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