Christ First UMC | 663 Lakeview Avenue | Jamestown NY 14701
Christ First UMC is located at 663 Lakeview Ave., Jamestown, NY 14701.
There are a few handicap spaces in the front of the building on Lakeview.
More parking is available in the back of the church off Buffalo Street.
An elevator is available if you need assistance.
Individuals can also be dropped off at the doors under the portico at the side of the building.
Inclement Weather Policy:
If there is a travel ban or weather conditions which make you feel unsafe, please stay home.
The church may not close, but please use your best judgement - if you do not feel safe, please stay home.
There is a place for you!
Christ First UMC
is a place where people can meet Jesus, believers can engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome.
We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Jesus Christ, discover their gifts and use them for Him. Join us for our Sunday services!
You are...Worthy, Loved, Valued - welcome at Christ First!
Who we are
Are you new here or just looking around? Check this out....
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From our nursery, children and adult Sunday School, and Wednesday Bible Study, there is something for you.
Our Single's Group gathers for fellowship and friendship.
Liturgical Dance, Children's Choir, and Adult (Chancel) Choir provide creative opportunities to connect with others and worship God.
Special CF Connections events provide monthly gatherings for all ages to come together, learn from each other, and have fun together.
Sunday morning coffee hour follows our worship time and offers opportunities for people to gather together in community; encouraging one another in a life devoted to Christ.
Gathering Times
Adult & Children's Sunday School at 9:05 am (Mid-Sept. - Mid June)
Sunday Worship at 10:00 am
(Worship is held in the chapel during the summer schedule)
Fellowship time following Sunday Worship
Wednesday Bible Study at 4:00 pm
Latest Sermon
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You can preview our worship service or catch up on the most recent sermon on our YouTube page.
Discipleship Tools
Volunteer Signup
2020 General Conference
Mission and Vision
What We Believe
Safe Haven Congregation
Baptism & Membership
Our Story
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UMUNY Resources
The Organs
Psalm 27 Scripture Reading
More From Scripture Readings
Fear Anxiety Scripture Meditation
Healing Scripture Meditation
Identity in Christ Scripture Meditation
Psalm 91 Scripture Reading
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